• Washing Care 
    - Do not keep washing your attire every other day. In the case of Polos, keep the washing simple and easy.
    - Avoiding harsh detergent would be a smart idea. Also, make sure not to add aftercare serum to clothes as these are naturally durable and the harsh chemical in serum might just do otherwise. Just mild detergent and rinsing with plenty of water will do.
    - Your white polos must wash with similar tones; that way you can avoid any unfortunate color bleeding.

    -Colors always need to be dried in shade and the same instruction is there for polos.
    -Moreover, it is advisable to dry on a flat surface or dry your polo on a hanger in a shady spot.
    -Avoid clothes pegs that can stretch, deform or mark the item of clothing.
    -Steam ironing would be a good option for ironing polos. However, if you are using a dry iron, you should spray some water droplets first so as to avoid material irritation.
    -Use your iron on low to medium heat: polo shirt inside out to limit any potential white traces.

  • Successful storing
    -Most of the polos are folded and kept in the almirah but hanging is a safer option. In the case of folding, make sure the drawer is dry and neat. Do not forget to use protective ingredients to keep your clothes away from fungal or moisture damage.